Join Us In The Compassion Club

Published by Brittni Schroeder on

It wasn’t too long ago when I was in school.  I remember experiencing and being a witness to unkind words, thoughtless gestures, and feelings of inadequacy.  It seemed like, in the blink of an eye, I graduated from high school, then college.  I always wanted to do great things in my life, but the greatest thing I wanted to do was be a mother.  I used to daydream about when my children got older. 

My husband and I both played sports in high school, and I imagined my children having the same love and passion for sports.  My children began to get older, and I found my ambitions for my children were no longer sports, but I wanted them to get a good education.  I aspired for them to be doctors, lawyers, and CEO’s.  Their education became the keystone for their success.  Time continued, and I realized again that my goals and dreams had once again shifted.  I loved watching them participate in sports and other activities, and was beyond proud as they excelled in academics, but, once again, I found I wanted something more for my most precious possessions. I wanted my children to be good, kind, and caring people.  That is what I truly wanted for them.  I wanted them to have an understanding and compassion for those around them–to love hard and care deeply for the people they associated with.

I often found myself frustrated and felt like my children did not heed to my teachings.  I wondered how they treated others and hoped they strived to lift others when I wasn’t around.  On May 18th, my beautiful, vibrant, free-spirited son passed away.  My whole world seemed to crumble.  Soon, messages from friends, neighbors, and complete strangers started to flood in by the hundreds.  The messages were filled with interactions they had had with Gage.  Each message expressed love and gratitude for the kindness and compassion he had shown. 

I was broken and shattered.  Within hours of his passing, my house was filled with people who loved and cared for me and my family.  Cards, gifts, text messages, food, phone calls, and visitors came nonstop.  The compassion that was shown lifted me up when I could not stand. It has healed me.  It has brought joy back into my life.  It has comforted me and inspired me.  It has made me want to be better person.

I know the importance of kindness and compassion.  I know that it goes full circle.  When we show compassion to others, it comes back to us tenfold.  The most beautiful thing I have ever seen is a compassionate human being.

This is my story, and this is why I want you to join me in the The Compassion Club.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

Melinda Martinez · February 15, 2018 at 4:35 am

Thank you for sharing your story and your passion for the project. Awareness for compassion is an immediate universal need. My teen and I had a long talk tonight about sharing this powerful message in his school. We have nothing but good things to gain as a human race by supporting this initiative. ❤️

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